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Kinderen en jongeren oncologie

Artikel: 'Parental stress predicts functional outcome in pediatric cancer survivors.' (2014)

Childhood cancer survivors are at risk for long-term neurocognitive and psychosocial morbidities. Research has seldom examined the relationship between these morbidities; thus, little empirical evidence exists concerning overall salience and how morbidities converge to impair day-to-day functioning. An increased understanding of functional impairment resulting from the pediatric cancer experience can inform early risk identification as well as sources for intervention.

Guided Self-Help as Intervention for Traumatic Stress in Parents of Children with Cancer: Conceptualization, Intervention Strategies, and a Case Study.

Being a parent of a child diagnosed with cancer poses an enormous stressor. Indeed, several parents have difficulties adjusting to such a situation and react with symptoms of traumatic stress, depression, and reduced quality of life. However, there is little conceptual work on behavioral mechanisms that contribute to suboptimal adaptation in these parents. The authors present a conceptualization in which experiential avoidance and rumination are suggested to contribute to increased levels of traumatic stress and suboptimal adaption.

Artikel: 'Psychological, demographic, illness and treatment risk factors for emotional distress amongst paediatric oncology patients prior to reaching 5-year survivorship status.' (2014)

Studies assessing emotional distress severity of paediatric oncology patients prior to reaching 5-year survivorship status have produced inconsistent findings. This cross-sectional multi-centre study aimed to determine psychological, demographic, illness and treatment risk factors for emotional distress in this population.

Artikel: 'Patterns of psychological responses in parents of children that underwent stem cell transplantation.' (2014)

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is curative in several life-threatening pediatric diseases but may affect children and their families inducing depression, anxiety, burnout symptoms, and post-traumatic stress symptoms, as well as post-traumatic growth (PTG). The aim of this study was to investigate the co-occurrence of different aspects of such responses in parents of children that had undergone HSCT.

Artikel: 'Psychological distress and unsatisfied need for psychosocial support in adolescent and young adult cancer patients during the first year following diagnosis.' (2014)

Identifying at-risk adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients and referring them to age-appropriate psychosocial support services may be instrumental in reducing psychological distress and promoting psychosocial adaptation. The purpose of this study is to identify trajectories of clinically significant levels of distress throughout the first year following diagnosis and to distinguish factors, including supportive care service use, that predict the extent to which AYAs report distress.

Artikel: 'Negative and positive consequences of adolescent cancer 10 years after diagnosis: an interview-based longitudinal study in Sweden.' (2014)

The aim of this study was to provide insight into survivor-reported negative and positive consequences of cancer during adolescence 10 years after diagnosis and compare these with consequences reported 3 and 4 years after diagnosis.

Kinderboek: 'Het klokhuisboek over kanker.'

Een informatief boek over kanker met kleurrijke illustraties en foto’s. Behalve veel informatie over kanker (Wat is kanker preices? Wat gebeurt er met je lichaam als je kanker hebt? En wat kun je ertegen doen?..) bevat het boek allerlei weetjes en ervaringen van kinderen. Dit boek is geschikt voor kinderen vanaf 9 jaar


Uitgeverij: New Book B.V. / 2010 / Nederlands / 95 blz.

Creatief communiceren met kinderen: 'Doosje vol troost'

Dit 'doosje vol troost' reikt allerlei creatieve activiteiten aan die de communicatie over breekbare onderwerpen zoals kanker tussen (groot)ouders en kinderen (5-12 jaar) tracht te bevorderen:

Oproep: vernieuwende projecten die de levenskwaliteit van (ex-)kankerpatiënten helpen verbeteren

Het Fonds Suzanne Duchesne, beheerd door de Koning Boudewijnstichting, en Kom op tegen Kanker lanceren samen een oproep voor vernieuwende projecten die de levenskwaliteit van (ex



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