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Palliatieve zorg

Onderzoek: Early integration of palliative care in oncology.

Palliatieve zorg start vaak pas enkele dagen of weken voor het overlijden. Gaëlle Vanbutsele van de onderzoeksgroep Zorg rond het Levenseinde (VUB-UGent) legt uit: "In dit onderzoek kregen patiënten in het UZ Gent de zorg vanaf het moment van de diagnose van ongeneeslijke kanker. Gespecialiseerde verpleegkundigen gingen elke maand op bezoek en praatten over verschillende onderwerpen zoals pijn, vermoeidheid, de ondersteuning in huis en van de familie, het nemen van belangrijke beslissingen, spirituele levensvragen, enz.

Blog: PediPazo: Pediatrische palliatieve zorg

Wetenschappelijke artikels over pediatrische palliatieve zorg uitgelicht


Artikel: Assessment of the wish to hasten death in patients with advanced cancer: A comparison of 2 different approaches (2018)

Introduction: The Desire for Death Rating Scale (DDRS) and the short form of the Schedule of Attitudes toward Hastened Death (SAHD‐5) are different approaches to assessing the wish to hasten death (WTHD). Both have clinical threshold scores for identifying individuals with a meaningfully elevated WTHD. However, the agreement between the 2 measures and patient opinions about assessment of the WTHD are unknown.
Objectives: To compare the DDRS and SAHD‐5 and to analyze patient opinions about assessment of the WTHD.

Artikel: “I didn't want to be in charge and yet I was”: Bereaved caregivers' accounts of providing home care for family members with advanced cancer (2018)


To describe bereaved caregivers' experiences of providing care at home for patients with advanced cancer, while interacting with home care services.


Artikel: Patients' and oncologists' views on family involvement in goals of care conversations (2018)

Objective: Family members can significantly impact advanced cancer patients' treatment and are important participants in goals of care (GoC) conversations. Yet, research on patient and physician perspectives about family involvement and influence on GoC conversations is limited. Our purpose was to describe patients' and oncologists' perspectives about family involvement and influence on GoC conversations among patients with advanced cancer.




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