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Tumorspecifieke info

Artikel: Body image dissatisfaction in patients undergoing breast reconstruction: Examining the roles of breast symmetry and appearance investment (2018)

Objective: Reconstruction as part of treatment for breast cancer is aimed at mitigating body image concerns after mastectomy. Although algorithms have been developed to objectively assess breast reconstruction outcomes, associations between objectively quantified breast aesthetic appearance and patient‐reported body image outcomes have not been examined. Further, the role of appearance investment in explaining a patient's body image is not well understood.

Artikel: Cognition, quality‐of‐life, and symptom clusters in breast cancer: Using Bayesian networks to elucidate complex relationships (2018)

Objective: Breast cancer patients frequently complain of cognitive dysfunction during chemotherapy. Patients also report experiencing a cluster of sleep problems, fatigue, and depressive symptoms during chemotherapy. We aimed to understand the complex dynamic interrelationships of depression, fatigue, and sleep to ultimately elucidate their role in cognitive performance and quality of life amongst breast cancer survivors undergoing chemotherapy treatment.


vzw NET & MEN Kanker

De Belgische vzw NET & MEN Kanker wil patiënten en verwanten ondersteunen die te maken krijgen met Neuro Endocriene Tumoren (NET) en Multipele Endocriene Neoplasie (MEN).

Meer info

Artikel: Understanding the distressed prostate cancer patient: Role of personality (2018)

Objective: To evaluate the relationship between personality and emotional distress in prostate cancer. Neuroticism and introversion were hypothesized to be associated with clinically significant symptoms of emotional distress, including depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation.

Methods: Men with a history of prostate cancer (n = 212) completed an NIH‐funded cross‐ sectional study using well‐validated measures of personality, depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Covariates were age, education, time since diagnosis, comorbidity, and presence of metastases.

Jaarindex psychosociale oncologie 2017

De tweede uitgave van de jaarindex door het CHi is opnieuw een indrukwekkende weerspiegeling van het psychosociaal oncologisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen en Brussel. Het bevestigt het hoge en kwaliteitsvolle wetenschappelijk niveau van iedereen die hieraan heeft bijgedragen. De jaarindex hoopt hierdoor ook inspirerend te werken.

Posterpresentaties CHi-congres 'Over lief en leef na kanker'

Hier kunt u de posters bekijken die werden gepresenteerd op het CHi-congres 'Over lief en leef na kanker' op 11 december 2017.

Deze onderzoeken zijn ook terug te vinden in de Jaarindex 2017.

Nieuwe financieringslijn bij Kom op tegen Kanker

Kom op tegen Kanker biedt al lang financiële steun aan organisaties en sociale ondernemingen die psychosociale ondersteuning geven aan kankerpatiënten en hun naasten.

Artikel: An online psychological intervention can improve the sexual satisfaction of men following treatment for localized prostate cancer: outcomes of a Randomised Controlled Trial evaluating My Road Ahead, 2017

Background Prostate cancer treatment often results in significant psycho‐sexual challenges for men following treatment; however, many men report difficulty in accessing appropriate care.

Projectoproep 'Etnische diversiteit en gezondheidsvaardigheden'

Kom op tegen Kanker lanceert een projectoproep voor initiatieven die de toegankelijkheid van de kankerzorg en de kankerpreventie voor migranten en etnische minderheden verbeteren.



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