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Artikel: 'Coping, Catastrophizing and Chronic Pain in Breast Cancer'

Abstract: This cross-sectional study investigated the relationships between individual differences in coping and catastrophizing, and markers of adaptation to chronic pain associated with breast cancer. Sixty-eight breast cancer patients with chronic pain due to either cancer or cancer-treatment were administered self-report instruments that assess active and passive coping, catastrophizing, pain, disability, and mood disturbance. Regression analyses were performed to investigate the unique contribution of differences in coping and catastrophizing to the various markers of adaptation.

Artikel: Attachment style and respiratory sinus arrhythmia predict post-treatment quality of life in breast cancer survivors

Abstract: Breast cancer is the most frequent malignant tumor among women in the industrialized world. The vast majority of these tumors can now be successfully treated. A subset of breast cancer survivors report quality of life (QOL) difficulties well after treatment is completed. The current study examined how individual differences in attachment style and self-regulatory capacity (as indexed by respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA)) were associated QOL among post-treatment breast cancer survivors.

Artikel: Barriers to mental health service use and preferences for addressing emotional concerns among lung cancer patients

Abstract: This study examined barriers to mental health service use and preferences for addressing emotional concerns among lung cancer patients (N = 165) at two medical centers in the Midwestern United States.

Methods: Lung cancer patients completed an assessment of anxiety and depressive symptoms, mental health service use, barriers to using these services, and preferences for addressing emotional concerns.

Artikel: Dyadic effects of coping strategies on emotional state and quality of life in prostate cancer patients and their spouses

Abstract: During cancer, coping strategies adopted by patients with prostate cancer and their spouses have an effect on their own emotional state and quality of life (QoL). However, the effects of coping strategies used by a member of a couple on the well-being of the other member are unknown. The aim of this study is to examine the dyadic effects of coping strategies on the emotional state and QoL of couples dealing with cancer.

Artikel: Social support, self-efficacy for decision-making, and follow-up care use in long-term cancer survivors

Abstract: Cancer survivors play an important role in coordinating their follow-up care and making treatment-related decisions. Little is known about how modifiable factors such as social support are associated with active participation in follow-up care. This study tests associations between social support, cancer-related follow-up care use, and self-efficacy for participation in decision-making related to follow-up care (SEDM). We also identified sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with social support among long-term survivors.

De bruikbaarheid van een nieuw screeningsinstrument 'distress-barometer' voor distress bij gelokaliseerde borstkankerpatiënten: pilot study.

In 2006 werd in het UZ Brussel een screeningsinstrument 'Distress-barometer' ontwikkeld en gevalideerd, met als doel de communicatie over distress-beleving tussen arts en patiënt te stimuleren en te optimaliseren. In deze pilootstudie willen we de bruikbaarheid van dit screeningsinstrument onderzoeken en nagaan of het instrument gevoelig is voor de mate van distress, tijdens verschillende fasen in het ziekteproces, bij vrouwen met gelokaliseerde borstkanker.

Artikel: The contribution of neurocognitive functioning to quality of life after childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Abstract: Neurocognitive late effects after childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are well- documented, but their impact on quality of life (QOL) is not well understood. In this multi-site study, we examined the relative influence of neurocognitive functioning, steroid randomization (prednisone vs. dexamethasone), and demographic characteristics on QOL in first-remission survivors of childhood ALL.

Artikel: Bladder and bowel symptoms in cervical and endometrial cancer survivors

Abstract: Previous studies likely underestimate the prevalence of bowel and bladder symptoms in gynecologic cancer survivors. We sought to estimate the prevalence of these symptoms in cervical and endometrial cancer survivors who had completed treatment 1 year previously compared with non-cancer controls, and to examine factors associated with more severe symptoms in survivors.



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