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Boek 'The compassion fatigue workbook'

The Compassion Fatigue Workbook is a lifeline for any helping professional facing the physical and emotional exhaustion that can shadow work in the helping professions. In addition to a comprehensive description of compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatization, The Compassion Fatigue Workbook leads the reader through experiential activities designed to target specific areas in their personal and professional lives. It provides concrete strategies to help the reader develop a personalized plan for identifying and transforming compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatization. 

Topics covered include: understanding compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma, symptom checklist, targeting areas for strategic planning, understanding warning signs, assessing contributing factors, evaluating self-care, identifying triggers, solutions: personal, professional and organizational strategies.

Auteur: Françoise Mathieu / Uitgeverij: Taylor & Francis Ltd / 2012 / Engels / 179 pagina's

Françoise Mathieu is experte op het vlak van Compassion Fatigue.

Link naar de website 'Compassion Fatigue' van Françoise Mathieu

Françoise Mathieu

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