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Medische aspecten

Artikel: The relative contributions of function, perceived psychological burden and partner support to cognitive distress in bladder cancer (2016)

Bladder cancer is a genitourinary disease of increasing incidence. Despite improvements in treatment, outcomes remain equivocal with high recurrence rates. It is associated with poor psychosocial outcomes due to reduced functioning of the genitourinary system. The objective of these analyses was to query whether reported loss of function or the perception of psychological burden caused by this functional impedance was the key to understanding psychosocial outcomes.

Brochure: leven met kanker

De Standaard heeft een magazine ontwikkeld waarin verschillende aspecten van kanker toegelicht worden door professionals alsook door (ex-) patiënten. De editie van augustus 2016 kan hieronder gelezen worden.

Artikel: Factors associated with psychological distress in women with breast cancer-related lymphoedema (2016)

Previous research has shown that lymphoedema impacts negatively on an individual,
including psychological distress and body image disturbance, particularly for younger women. This
study identified psychological factors associated with distress in women with breast cancer-related
lymphoedema and determined whether age moderated the specific relationship between body image
disturbance and distress.
Australian women (n = 166) diagnosed with breast cancer-related lymphoedema were

Artikel: Does fear of cancer recurrence differ between cancer types? A study from the population-based PROFILES registry (2016)

Knowledge of factors associated with fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) may inform intervention development and improve patient care. The aims were (1) to compare FCR severity between cancer types and (2) to identify associations between FCR, demographics, medical characteristics, information provision and health-related quality of life.

Beeldfragmenten: Uw vragen over kanker

Wil u meer weten over:

Getuigenis Amel

In deze getuigenis komen aan bod:

- Het behoud van eicellen
- Het belang van de tweede opinie
- De belangrijke rol van de omgeving
- De nabehandeling

Getuigenis Bach Liên

In deze getuigenis komen aan bod:

- Het verdict van kanker
- De monsterneming van eicellen
- De preventie
- De entourage
- De controle
- De verandering van het leven

Website: Family Hope: Vruchtbaarheid en borstkanker: informeer uzelf

Family Hope is een Belgisch initiatief waaraan 7 universiteiten deelnemen. Het is een online platform om patiënten, hun naasten en artsen informatie te verschaffen over de mogelijkheden om de vruchtbaarheid tijdens de borstkankerbehandeling te behouden.

Artikel: The impact of a cancer diagnosis on health and well-being: a prospective, population-based study (2016)

Little is known about the trajectory of health and well-being from before to after a cancer diagnosis. This study aimed to examine changes in health and well-being across three time points (0–2 years before a cancer diagnosis, 0–2 years post-diagnosis and 2–4 years post-diagnosis) in individuals receiving a new cancer diagnosis, and at matched time points in a cancer-free comparison group.

Wegwijs in voorafgaande zorgplanning: Waar een wil is, is een weg (brochure voor zorgverleners)

Deze brochure is bedoeld voor zorgverleners in de thuiszorg, het woonzorgcentrum of het ziekenhuis. Het doel van deze brochure is om de gesprekken te faciliteren met patiënten/cliënten/bewoners over voorafgaande zorgplanning.






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