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De standaard: dossier: Leven met kanker

De standaard publiceerde een extra bijlage 'Leven met Kanker'.



Artikel 'Managing fatigue after cancer treatment: development of RESTORE, a web-based resource to support self-management' (2015)

Objective: The aim of this study is to co-create an evidence-based and theoretically informed web-based intervention (RESTORE) designed to enhance self-efficacy to live with cancer-related fatigue (CRF) following primary cancer treatment.

Artikel 'Determinants of long-term fatigue in breast cancer survivors: results of a prospective patient cohort study' (2015)

Objective: Fatigue is among the most distressing symptoms across the breast cancer continuum. However, little is known about the factors contributing to long-term persisting fatigue. Therefore, we explored determinants of long-term physical, affective, and cognitive fatigue in a prospective cohort of breast cancer patients.

Artikel 'Exploring the contribution of psychosocial factors to fatigue in patients with advanced incurable cancer' ((2014)

Objective: Fatigue is the most frequently occurring and distressing symptom in patients with advanced cancer, caused by multiple factors. Neither a specific histological diagnosis of malignancy nor the type of anticancer treatment seem to be strongly related to fatigue, which support the idea that other factors may play a role. This study investigated to what extent the model of fatigue-perpetuating factors that is known for cancer survivors was applicable for patients with advanced cancer.

Artikel 'Moderators and long‐term effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy for fatigue during cancer treatment (2012)

Objective: A randomised controlled trial (RCT) demonstrated that cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for fatigue during curative cancer treatment was effective shortly after cancer treatment. This study aimed to identify which patient characteristics predict fatigue improvement after CBT. In addition, the long‐term effectiveness was investigated.

Artikel 'The course of severe fatigue in disease-free breast cancer patients: A longitudinal study' (2007)

Background: We investigated whether fatigue is a persistent problem, and whether persistent fatigue is related to former treatment modalities. In addition, we studied the predictors of persistent fatigue.

Artikel '‘It’s not like you just had a heart attack’: decision-making about active surveillance by men with localized prostate cancer' (2014)

Background: Growing recognition that active surveillance (AS) is a reasonable management option for many men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer led us to describe patients’ conceptualizations of AS and reasons for their treatment decisions.

Methods: Men were patients of a multidisciplinary prostate cancer clinic at a large tertiary cancer center where patients are routinely briefed on treatment options, including AS. We conducted a thematic analysis of interviews with 15 men who had chosen AS and 15 men who received radiation or surgery.

Derde Vlaams congres in de psychosociale oncologie

Het CHi organiseert het "Derde Vlaams congres in de psychosociale oncologie" op dinsdag 1 december '15.

Artikel 'Managing fatigue after cancer treatment: development of RESTORE, a web-based resource to support self-management' (2015)

Objective: The aim of this study is to co-create an evidence-based and theoretically informed web-based intervention (RESTORE) designed to enhance self-efficacy to live with cancer-related fatigue (CRF) following primary cancer treatment.

Artikel 'Posttraumatic growth, depression and anxiety in head and neck cancer patients: examining their patterns and correlations in a prospective study' (2015)

Background: Positive and negative psychological reactions have been described in head and neck cancer patients. Nevertheless, the relationships between these responses across time need to be studied to
understand the patients’ strengths and vulnerabilities.

Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the changes in posttraumatic growth (PTG), depression and anxiety longitudinally and the correlations between PTG and depression and anxiety
in head and neck cancer patients.



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