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Artikel: 'Intentional and non-intentional non-adherence to medication amongst breast cancer patients.'

Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of and factors associated with non-adherence to medication amongst a sample of breast cancer patients. 131 women with stable disease were interviewed and completed standardised psychological measures. 55% of women reported non-adherence to medication frequently or occasionally, with younger women and those who disliked taking their medication being significantly less adherent (P = 0.015, P = 0.001).

Artikel: 'Insides on variables leading to burnout in cancer physicians.'

Abstract: Although communication skills training programs have been recommended to reduce physicians' burnout, few studies have investigated their efficacy. This study assessed the impact of two training programs on cancer physicians' burnout. Especially, it identified some variables leading to burnout in order to develop effective interventions. Burnout was assessed with the Maslach Burnout Inventory. No statistically significant impact of training programs on burnout was observed.

Artikel: 'Correlates of return to work for breast cancer survivors.'

Abstract: A high percentage of employed breast cancer patients returned to work after treatment, and workplace accommodations played an important role in their return. In addition, perceived employer discrimination because of cancer was negatively associated with return to work for breast cancer survivors. Employers seem to have a pivotal role in breast cancer patients’ successful return to work.

Artikel: 'Coping, Catastrophizing and Chronic Pain in Breast Cancer'

Abstract: This cross-sectional study investigated the relationships between individual differences in coping and catastrophizing, and markers of adaptation to chronic pain associated with breast cancer. Sixty-eight breast cancer patients with chronic pain due to either cancer or cancer-treatment were administered self-report instruments that assess active and passive coping, catastrophizing, pain, disability, and mood disturbance. Regression analyses were performed to investigate the unique contribution of differences in coping and catastrophizing to the various markers of adaptation.

Artikel: Objective and subjective socioeconomic status and health symptoms in patients following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Abstract: Recent research indicates that subjective socioeconomic status (SES) – the perception of one’s own SES compared with other people – is an important predictor of cancer-related health out- comes. Subjective SES may function as a psychosocial mechanism by which objective SES affects health, well-being, and, more broadly, quality of life among cancer survivors. This study tested whether the association between objective SES and indicators of quality of life was mediated by sub- jective SES in a sample of cancer survivors who had undergone hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Review: A systematic review on patient-reported outcomes in cancer survivors of randomised clinical trials: direction for future research

Abstract: With increasing expectations of a 5-year survival rate among cancer patients, there is grow- ing interest in patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures, particularly measures of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in cancer practice. The purpose of this review was to explore the existing interventions for patients coping with cancer in terms of intervention type, PRO measurements and outcomes; and to identify directions for future research.

Review: Patient and health professional’s perceived barriers to the delivery of psychosocial care to adults with cancer: a systematic review

Abstract: To explore the barriers experienced and perceived by health professionals and patients in the delivery of psychosocial care to adults with cancer.

Eindverslag Onderzoeksproject 'Geef je leven weer kleur' ISW Limits

ISW Limits deed een onderzoek naar de effecten van onlinehulpverlening in de psychosociale oncologie voor de aanpak van milde depressieve klachten.
Het onderzoek werd gefinancierd door VLK. CHi werkte mee in de adviesraad van het onderzoek.

Artikel 'Cancer Patients' Perceptions of The Good Nurse: A Literature Review'

This article discusses findings from a mixed method literature review that investigated cancer patients' perceptions of what constitutes a good nurses. To find pertinent articles, we conducted a systematic key word search of five journal databases (1998-2008). The application of carefully constructed inclusion criteria and critical appraisal identified 12 relevant articles.

Masterproef 'Patiënteneducatie: tips en valkuilen in de organisatie van groepssessies'

Patiënteneducatie is belangrijk om de health literacy, of geletterdheid op gebied van gezondheid, te verhogen. Dit onderzoek focust op een specifieke vorm van patiënteneducatie, meer bepaald groepseducatie. Onder een groepssessie wordt verstaan: het verzamelen van patiënten voor educatie in groep rond een bepaald thema. Dit in tegenstelling tot individuele educatie tijdens de consultatie of informatie via een website, folders of affiches. 




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