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Psychiatrische problemen

Posterpresentaties CHi-congres 'Over lief en leef na kanker'

Hier kunt u de posters bekijken die werden gepresenteerd op het CHi-congres 'Over lief en leef na kanker' op 11 december 2017.

Deze onderzoeken zijn ook terug te vinden in de Jaarindex 2017.

Nieuwe financieringslijn bij Kom op tegen Kanker

Kom op tegen Kanker biedt al lang financiële steun aan organisaties en sociale ondernemingen die psychosociale ondersteuning geven aan kankerpatiënten en hun naasten.

Artikel: The role of social support, family identification, and family constraints in predicting posttraumatic stress after cancer (2017).


We compared social support with other potential psychosocial predictors of posttraumatic stress after cancer. These included family identification, or a sense of belonging to and commonality with family members, and family constraints, or the extent to which family members are closed, judgmental, or unreceptive in conversations about cancer. We also tested the hypothesis that family constraints mediate the relationship between family identification and cancer-related posttraumatic stress.


Interview met Dr Jimmie Holland, Psycho-Oncologist

Dr William Breitbart interviewt één van de pioniers inzake Psycho-Oncologie en oprichtster van IPOS.  Klik hier om het volledige interview te bekijken

Mothers and fathers of children with cancer: loss of control during treatment and posttraumatic stress at later follow-up

Background: A child’s cancer can lead to changes in parental role functioning, including loss of control. We studied the extent to which parental perceived loss of control during a child’s cancer treatment predicted posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) after completion of treatment.

Projectoproep 'Etnische diversiteit en gezondheidsvaardigheden'

Kom op tegen Kanker lanceert een projectoproep voor initiatieven die de toegankelijkheid van de kankerzorg en de kankerpreventie voor migranten en etnische minderheden verbeteren.

Artikel: Validity, specificity, feasibility and acceptability of a brief pediatric thermometer in outpatients clinics (2017)

Objective: Psychosocial distress is under-recognized in children with cancer and other serious medical illnesses because of a focus on pressing medical concerns.
Aims: This study assessed the validity, inter-rater reliability, sensitivity/specificity, acceptability, and feasibility of administration of a pediatric distress thermometer (DT) designed to screen for the presence of psychosocial distress in youth with serious medical illnesses.

Artikel: Patients with oesophageal cancer report elevated distress and problems yet do not have an explicit wish for referral prior to receiving their medical treatment plan (2017)

Objective: This study aims to identify patients with oesophageal cancer’s level of distress, type of problems, and wish for referral prior to treatment. To identify the clinical relevance of patients with oesophageal cancer’s level of distress and type of problems, we build models to predict elevated distress, wish for referral, and overall survival.



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