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Artikel: 'Positive adjustment to breast cancer: development of a disease-specific measure and comparison of women diagnosed from 2 weeks to 5 years'

Abstract: Many women describe ‘positive adjustment’ as a consequence of having breast cancer. It is unclear whether positive experiences reflect the absence of anxiety and depression or are part of a separate process of adjustment. Existing measures are not specific to breast cancer and may lack validity. Our aims were as follows: (1) to develop a valid questionnaire to measure positive adjustment after breast cancer; (2) to clarify whether it measures aspects distinct from anxiety and depression and (3) to suggest when positive adjustment typically emerges.

Artikel: Attachment style and respiratory sinus arrhythmia predict post-treatment quality of life in breast cancer survivors

Abstract: Breast cancer is the most frequent malignant tumor among women in the industrialized world. The vast majority of these tumors can now be successfully treated. A subset of breast cancer survivors report quality of life (QOL) difficulties well after treatment is completed. The current study examined how individual differences in attachment style and self-regulatory capacity (as indexed by respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA)) were associated QOL among post-treatment breast cancer survivors.

Artikel: Systematic screening for distress in oncology practice using the Distress Barometer: the impact on referrals to psychosocial care

Abstract: This study evaluates how patterns of psychosocial referral of patients with elevated distress differ in a ‘systematic screening for distress’ condition versus a ‘usual practice’ condition in ambulatory oncology practice.

Methods: The psychosocial referral process in a 2-week usual practice (N=278) condition was compared with a 2-week ‘using the Distress Barometer as a screening instrument’ (N = 304) condition in an outpatient clinic with seven consulting oncologists.

Artikel: Dyadic effects of coping strategies on emotional state and quality of life in prostate cancer patients and their spouses

Abstract: During cancer, coping strategies adopted by patients with prostate cancer and their spouses have an effect on their own emotional state and quality of life (QoL). However, the effects of coping strategies used by a member of a couple on the well-being of the other member are unknown. The aim of this study is to examine the dyadic effects of coping strategies on the emotional state and QoL of couples dealing with cancer.

Artikel: Exploring the contribution of psychosocial factors to fatigue in patients with advanced incurable cancer

Abstract:Fatigue is the most frequently occurring and distressing symptom in patients with advanced cancer, caused by multiple factors. Neither a specific histological diagnosis of malignancy nor the type of anticancer treatment seem to be strongly related to fatigue, which support the idea that other factors may play a role. This study investigated to what extent the model of fatigue-perpetuating factors that is known for cancer survivors was applicable for patients with advanced cancer.

Artikel: Parenting stress as a mediator of parents’ negative mood state and behavior problems in children with newly diagnosed cancer

Abstract: The aim was to investigate the influence of parents’ negative mood state and parenting stress on behavior in children with newly diagnosed cancer.

Methods: A total of 123 parents (n = 58 fathers, n = 65 mothers) of 67 children with newly diagnosed cancer completed three questionnaires separately at the same time measuring parents’ negative mood state, parenting stress, and child behavior problems.

Review: A systematic review on patient-reported outcomes in cancer survivors of randomised clinical trials: direction for future research

Abstract: With increasing expectations of a 5-year survival rate among cancer patients, there is grow- ing interest in patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures, particularly measures of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in cancer practice. The purpose of this review was to explore the existing interventions for patients coping with cancer in terms of intervention type, PRO measurements and outcomes; and to identify directions for future research.

De bruikbaarheid van een nieuw screeningsinstrument 'distress-barometer' voor distress bij gelokaliseerde borstkankerpatiënten: pilot study.

In 2006 werd in het UZ Brussel een screeningsinstrument 'Distress-barometer' ontwikkeld en gevalideerd, met als doel de communicatie over distress-beleving tussen arts en patiënt te stimuleren en te optimaliseren. In deze pilootstudie willen we de bruikbaarheid van dit screeningsinstrument onderzoeken en nagaan of het instrument gevoelig is voor de mate van distress, tijdens verschillende fasen in het ziekteproces, bij vrouwen met gelokaliseerde borstkanker.



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